Mgetty+Sendfax Archive/Documentation Centre

What is it?
For those of you that do not know mgetty+sendfax yet: it's a
reliable and proven fax send and receive solution for unix and linux. But
it can do much more... so read the docs and be surprised.
Available HTML Documentation:
Complete Hypertext Manual
mgetty+sendfax frequently asked questions (FAQ) (Text version)
HTML versions of the man pages
Mailing list and Mailing list archive
There is a mailing list (
and Newsgroup dedicated to mgetty.
The newsgroup is archived
by Marc Schaefer,
If you want to get on the mailing list, send mail to
Documentation in other Formats
Some pointers to other related sites on the Net...
Source Archives (GIT)
The GIT repo is here: git clone git://
Source Archives (Download Section)
source archive (FTP directory view)
latest "stable" release (1.2.1, about 1081 Kbyte)
latest BETA version (1.1.37, about 1060 Kbyte) (note: quite historic)
latest official release (1.0.0, 601 Kbyte) (note: very much historic)
Contributed software:
Voice-Stuff (vgetty and such)
MIRROR sites
This stuff is mirrored on the following sites, which may be faster
to reach than, or have less load:
Formerly, the following sites had also been mirrors, but they are broken
for some or the other reason. I keep the list, in case some of them
might be fixed in future.
Gert Doering, 2005-11-26... 2018-05-24
This site runs on systems operated by EDV-Beratung Gert Döring.